The wise old saying is, “what you resist will persist”. I have found that many of us have an unrelenting inner voice telling us that we should be better, that we should be able to solve our difficulties on our own. I think some people are starting to mistake the idea of being resilient with shame-based inner dialogue that actually deflates our energy. That inner coach who might say, “just suck it up and deal with it”, is actually creating a resistance that could be keeping your anxiety present.
Never Alone - The Value & Skills of Communicating with Yourself
How well do you communicate with yourself?
One common thing I hear from people I work with in counselling is a desire for a higher degree of personal clarity about what they want to do in life. Meaning, they want clarity about what they should do with the external circumstances of their life. They want to figure out things like, “am I in the right relationship?” or “should I stay in my current job that is boring but makes good money?” or “should I move because this city is too expensive?”.